Knowhow HR

Who We Are

Know How HR… is owned and led byLaura Ryanwho has 30+years of experience operating at Senior Level across a wide variety of sectors, both in the UK and Internationally.


Laura has spent most of her working life under the corporate umbrella until 2006 when she set up an HR Consultancy business.  One of her strengths is listening to her intuition (which is usually right on target!) and being able to simplify complex issues, working collaboratively and bringing creative, fun and pragmatic solutions to businesses.

Know How HR… has a team of colleagues who have all operated as ‘real’ practitioner’s across a number of Industry’s and have operated successfully as ‘In House’ Senior players and have now chosen careers as Consultants.

Highly energised, results orientated, pragmatic, commercial individuals whose motivation is to make a difference and help you get your job done.

Know How HR… has a highly commercial, relationship driven approach to everything we do.

Registered Address: 3rd Floor, Marlborough House, 298 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London, N3 2SZ
© Know How HR Ltd