Knowhow HR

What We Do

Organisational Change

orgpicWe are operating in a changing and turbulent environment where finding the time and resource to review your business organisation as well as meeting the everyday needs of your Employees, Customers and Suppliers can be a tough challenge.  Without reviewing your organisational structure as part of your normal planning process, how do you know that your business and employees are operating to their maximum potential?

You may need to make changes or improvements to roles, skill and experience; alter existing work patterns and processes or consider multi-skilling; These are just some of the areas that if not appropriately managed and monitored in your business could have an adverse effect on your Employee’s efficiency and profitability.  We have significant experience and can help make a huge difference in these areas.

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Operational HR

oppicExcellent HR Operations is the key to give you the licence to operate in all other parts of the business agenda. This area must be running in a slick way as this is the first measure of HR in any business.

We can help you with everyday HR activities, whether your requirement has arisen because of a special project, a need for support until you find a permanent person, or until your organisation is large enough to require a dedicated employee, we are able to fulfil your operational needs efficiently and effectively.

This can include coming on board and undertaking a role on an interim basis.

Know How HR… can guide you through the approach needed to resolve your HR Operational issues either by taking the lead or providing expert advice and practical solutions enabling you to manage the situation. This can include upskilling your Line Managers to enable them to take more accountability for many of the more traditional HR activities.

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Leadership & Development

leadershippicLeadership is about attitude and behaviour first, closely followed by skills. We believe some people are born leaders; however those who want to be a leader can develop leadership ability.

We can help you create and develop a ‘real’ leadership culture in your business where all leaders recognise the ‘shadow of leadership’ that they are creating.

We will share ideas and philosophies that we acquired working with renowned leadership authorities in the US.

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Employee Engagement

employpicThe body of evidence that demonstrates Employee Engagement is a key driver of organisational performance grows almost daily.

If you say your Employees are your greatest asset, do you treat them as if they are the most valuable part of your company?

If you’re serious about creating a workforce that’s engaged and productive, you must devote time and attention to creating an environment which ensures the people in your team have all they need to get their job done.

We will help you find ways to truly demonstrate that your people are your point of difference and that you are creating an environment that enables them to give of their best.

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Reward & Recognition

rewardpicIt is well known that if Employers ‘correctly’ reward their Employees for the results and attitude they demonstrate this will improve performance, increase productivity and achieve greater profit.  A well thought out reward and recognition strategy is also an important tool to aid recruitment and retention and to help establish your Employer “Brand”.

Know How HR…can work with you to review your existing Reward & Recognition plans.  We will identify core business drivers which can be linked to individual or team performance and the achievement of key objectives.  We can benchmark your existing salary and benefits package against the market and make recommendations on how your reward strategy may be more competitive and/or leading edge.

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Registered Address: 3rd Floor, Marlborough House, 298 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London, N3 2SZ
© Know How HR Ltd